Ad Muncher v4.73 Build 31256 Beta + Portable Ad Muncher v4.73/31256 Beta
I. Ad Muncher v4.73 Build 31256 Beta
- Новейшая версия программы c полной поддержкой новой операционной
системы Windows 7. Предназначена для блокирования всех видов рекламы
при путешествии по интернету. Ad Muncher удаляет всплывающие окна,
баннеры и другую рекламу на web-страницах. Работает практически с
любыми современными браузерами Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox,
Mozilla и Netscape, и c надстройками над Internet Explorer, такими как
Maxthon и Avant Browser. Позволяет тем самым увеличивать скорость
загрузки страницы и сэкономить трафик. Рекомендую лучшая программа на
сегоднящний день!
Ad Muncher v4.73 Build 31256 Beta + Portable Ad Muncher v4.73/31256 Beta
Ad Muncher 4.73 - утилита
для удаления всплывающих окон и баннеров. Работает из системной панели,
интегрируется практически со всеми браузерами, а также удаляет рекламу
из ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, iMesh и некоторых других программ. Несмотря на
скромный размер, программа великолепно удаляет рекламу с посещаемых
страниц, определяя их по: адресу, размеру, подписи (тэг alt). Помимо
баннеров Ad Muncher успешно борется с: музыкой на страницах; фоновыми
картинками; выскакивающими окнами (popups); автоматически
обновляющимися страницами; скриптами, изменяющими состояние status
bar'а скриптами, блокирующими правую кнопку мыши. Все опционально и
может быть настроено. Ad Muncher не требует дополнительной настройки
программного обеспечения, он работает "прозрачно" для вашего браузера
или другого ПО. Возможности: -блокировка любого вида рекламы во всех
браузерах (Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer), включая -всплывающие
окна , -блокировка рекламы в таких продуктах, как ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa,
Grokster, PalTalk, iMesh, Bearshare, LimeWire, -ускорение загрузки
страниц за счет отсутствия лишних элементов, в т.ч. рекламы -блокировка
«назойливого поведения» web-сайтов (спрятанные элементы, скрипты,
вредоносный код и прочее), -мощная система фильтрации, которая растет
за счет постоянной помощи со стороны пользователей программы.
Ad Muncher v4.73 Build 31256 Beta + Portable Ad Muncher v4.73/31256 Beta
Инструкция при регистрации программы:
1. Установить программу, запустить
В появившемся окне жмём "Proxy option", в следующем окне ставим галочку
на "Use proxy when......", вписываем "Adress" и "Port", жмём OK и далее
"Retry". Ждём завершения регистрации, появится надпись "Your license
was successfully"... нажимаем Close... Белая голова коровы в системном
3. После регистрации открываем программу,
заходим "Option --> Updates", снимаем галочку с "Check for program
updates and" и соглашаемся с изменением. Далее жмём "Check now", ждём
обновления и загружаем их
4. В принципе всё. Удачи!!!
Ad Muncher v4.73 Build 31256 Beta + Portable Ad Muncher v4.73/31256 Beta
Появилась замечательная возможность скачивать файлы с файлообменика
без каких либо ограничений во времени, без минутного ожидания и
приминения стороних программ и скриптов. Так, как нет ограничений по
количеству скачиваний в сутки и самое главное безграничное колличество
одновременной закачки. Возможность докачки после обрыва связи Интернет
II. Portable Ad Muncher Ad Muncher v4.73 Beta Build 31256 - При работе, на каждом новом ПК, нажимаете "Retry". Регистрационные данные уже присутствуют в портабельной версии.
View Change Log Ad Muncher 4.73 beta:
Note regarding Ad Muncher v5.0: Previously we mentioned that we were working on rewriting Ad Muncher in C for the sake of porting, maintenance and stability. This rewrite was originally planned as a single large release named v5.0. The plan has since changed to releasing several interim versions on the way to v5.0, each with progressively more C code replacing the existing assembly codebase. Ad Muncher v4.7 will be the first of these interim releases Ad Muncher v5.0
Примечание относительно Ad Muncher v5.0:
Ранее мы упоминали, что мы работаем над разработкой Ad Muncher,
как единый большой релиз v5.0, технического обслуживания и стабильности.
Этот релиз первоначально планировался, но произошли некоторые изменения в несколько промежуточных версий на пути к v5.0, каждый из которых заменив
существующую кодовую Ассамбли. Ad Muncher v4.7 будет первым из промежуточных
релизов Ad Muncher v5.0 =============================================================
Note regarding beta distribution:
In order to minimize the impact of any bugs on our users, betas are released for testing in the following order:
1. In-house testing performed by the Ad Muncher developers. 2. If no problems are found, the beta is then posted to the Ad Muncher chat channel (#AdMuncher on EFnet). The URL of the beta will include the text "DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE" at this point. 3. If no problems are found, the beta is then released on the automatic update system in Ad Muncher for people who have the option enabled to "Load development versions of Ad Muncher".
We kindly ask that people not post betas to beta news sites when their URL includes the "DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE" text, as in the past this has resulted in serious bugs being experienced by a far larger audience than was needed.
Ad Muncher v4.73 Changelog:
Release date: Currently in development
Most significant changes: A completely new system has been implemented for filtering javascript content, which provides much more reliable popup filtering and significantly reduces the chances of unwanted interference with web sites. Significant filtering performance improvements have also been made, along with other minor fixes and improvements. This release also makes Ad Muncher compatible with Microsoft's new Windows 7.
30408/E - Improved helper script behavior to avoid possible interference with "onmousedown" event handling. This change also fixes the broken drag/drop handling in Opera. 30410/E - Changed "Allow filtering enable/disable when locked" option to "Allow Ad Muncher to be closed or disabled when locked". Ad Muncher will now require a password to be closed if this option is disabled. 30440/E - Improved handling of winsock errors in hook DLL code. 30463/E - Improved hook loading code so that the hook DLL will be loaded more quickly into processes which do not have any GUI showing. 30519/E - Modified Ad Muncher's library loading code so it is compatible with Microsoft's new Windows 7 betas. 30527/E - Improved the blank FLV replacement used to replace advert FLV content. 30541/E - Improved automatic popup removal code. 30542/F - Fixed a minor bug in the "prevent interference with mouse usage" option. 30547/E - Fixed missing URL in page reports sent from the Opera browser extension. Also improved the options available under the "Frame" context menu. 30552/E - Added an option to the right-click system tray menu to check for updates. 30553/E - When blocking the retrieval of an MP3 file, Ad Muncher will now substitute a very short blank MP3 file. This will allow the adverts on some streaming services to be blocked. 30562/E - Added an extra winsock hook so Ad Muncher can be notified immediately if a connection is aborted before it connects to Ad Muncher. This should avoid excessive resource usage and error messages in certain situations. 30603/E - Ad Muncher's browser extensions for Firefox (v1.5+), Flock and SeaMonkey (v2.0+) are now installed and updated automatically by the installer. The "Browser extensions" tab of Ad Muncher's configuration window has now been removed because it is now not needed. 30604/F - Fixed filtering of Website Watcher. 30615/F - Fixed chrome error message from Firefox when the v2.0 browser extensions are first installed and when Firefox doesn't have write access to the installation directory. 30622/E - Added a mailing list signup field to the last screen of the installer. 30627/F - Fixed XML validation errors when removing <img/<image tags with matching </img/</image terminators. 30628/E - Improved overlap correction of certain XML files for more reliable video ad removal. 30637/E - Added prompt when IP Scramble is enabled to give the user details on how to upgrade to using Tor, a more recent and (in our opinion) much better way of browsing anonymously. 30642/E - Added "Blocked by Ad Muncher" replacement video for when .WMV content is blocked, and improved the .FLV replacement. 30643/E - Improved reliability of tag removal in XML content. 30645/E - Improved the replacement of certain advert-critical .ASF files. 30651/F - Fixed corruption of some AJAX-related data files. 30825/E - Finished implementing a completely new popup blocking system, which relies more on in-browser script modifications rather than in-transit filtering, making for much more reliable blocking of popups and far less potential for page damage. This will significantly reduce the instances of interference on javascript-intensive sites, and also now allows popups to be blocked which have their scripts encrypted or otherwise obfuscated. The new popup filtering system also includes the following changes: - The blocking preferences have been simplified to just block all automatic popups, rather than the previous options to block during load, unload, mouseover and timer. - There is now a new option to override popup blocking when the CTRL button is pressed. - Because of how the new helper script works, we can now just insert it into the main HTML of each web site, rather than the HTML and all external JS files (as done previously), which will allow many sites to load more quickly. - Now a single script block is inserted into HTML content, instead of the two or three used previously, which reduces the chance of interference. - The old popup reporting system has been removed.
30825/E - Added support for Opera v10 to the browser extensions. 30826/E - Improved replacement content for some XML-based ads. 30834/E - Improved packet alignment for XML filtering. 30840/F - Fixed bad browser message when running new versions of Opera while the browser is configured to identify as IE. 30857/E - Improved popup blocking logic to avoid interference with window opening via bookmarklets. 30858/E - Modified popup blocking code to check all "Remove all popups from URL" filters against the URL of each new popup, and if matched it will block the popup. 30872/E - Modified helper script to tolerate executing on sites that redefine the behavior of javascript arrays. 30873/F - Fixed broken window moving/resizing redirection in the new helper script. 30874/F - Fixed broken parameters in certain situations. 30884/F - Fixed broken onmouseover popup blocking in new helper in some situations. 30885/E - Added some more useful diagnostic information to the error message when Ad Muncher's helper script detects a "very old" browser, so we can more easily fix situations where browsers are emulating other browsers. 30886/E - Improved the method used to detect old browsers in the helper script, which will avoid some false positives and negatives. 30887/E - Added error catching to the part of the helper that executes user- supplied javascript filters, so that a more helpful error message can be displayed. 30895/E - Improved the method used for intercepting functions in the helper script, reducing the code size and reducing the chance of interference from other scripts. 30906/E - Improved popup blocking to automatically block popups that are opened using global onclick/onmousedown/onmouseup/etc handlers. 30911/E - Implemented a system in the helper to automatically detect background popups that are opened when the user clicks a valid link or form submit button. 30914/F - Fixed broken "javascript:" links when the link contained a function call as well as one or more escaped characters. 30931/E - Added code to allow popups from global event handlers that attempt to read the URL of anchor targets, stop the event, then open their own popup with the same URL. 30932/F - Fixed bug in the enforcement of the option to "Force new windows to the default width and height". 30933/E - Improved the status bar message formatting when a popup or alert message is blocked so that a notification for both can be shown at the same time. 30940/E - Implemented a new method of intercepting browser status bar modifications that is much more reliable and will prevent page damage in many situations. It will also prevent notifications of popup blocking from interfering with the display of link targets. 30943/E - Because recent versions of all major browsers now block web sites from modifying the browser status bar, notifications of blocked popups are now also displayed at the end of the browser's title bar. 30944/E - Fixed possible breakage of ".smi" files when removing advert content. 30945/E - Implemented a solution for the removal of some popular video adverts. 30951/E - Added "CDATA" tags around the CSS content added by Ad Muncher to prevent interference with XML content. 30955/E - Improved the javascript error detection in the helper script so that the reports shown to the user include more details on what actually caused the error. 30960/E - Fixed flickering browser title problem under IE6. 30964/E - Fixed problem with writing CSS content from the helper script under Firefox 3.5. 30967/E - Improved script performance when many events are registered via __amscript_addonload(). 30975/E - Reduced resource usage in the new helper script when working on pages with many timers. 30984/E - Implemented a new system in the popup blocking code that will reduce the chance of incorrectly blocked popups, especially popups that are opened from inside flash content. 30991/E - Adopted a new method for managing Ad Muncher's memory usage, resulting in a 20% increase in filtering speed on our test pages. 31047/E - Implemented a new and much better algorithm for managing Ad Muncher's logs. With identical log buffer sizes, the new algorithm resulted in an increase in filtering speed of just over 50% on our test pages, which should provide a noticeable browsing speed boost on complex pages. Because of the significant decrease in log-related CPU usage, the options to skip uniqueness checks on the logs has been removed, along with the buffer size option. The "Disable logs" and "Pause logs" checkboxes have also been combined into a single "Enable" checkbox which will be remembered when the configuration window is closed. 31057/E - Rewrote all of the mutex management code and reduced the mutex usage in several places to improve performance. 31065/F - Fixed potential crash in filtering code. 31066/E - Reduced the memory usage and startup time of the helper script. 31067/E - Removed the option to "Prevent activity when a site is closed". This option was needed back when Ad Muncher's popup filtering had trouble with some onunload popups, but the new popup blocking has no problems in this situation and preventing unload activities these days causes more problems than benefits, eg: interfering with the ability on many sites to confirm exit before saving data, and also preventing the user from allowing certain desired onunload popups. 31069/E - Implemented a new method of preventing interference with mouse usage (the third option on the "Advanced" options tab), which should result in less frequent interference with legitimate page behaviors. 31070/E - Changed the handling of "Remove all popups from URL" slightly so that it now matches against the main site's URL, instead of the URL of any popup scripts that were included on the site. The handling is now also done in a more reliable way. 31086/E - Improved the rewriting of "javascript:" URLs so that popups are not blocked when opened from bookmarklets. 31088/E - Added code to automatically block popups that are sent to the background even if they don't trigger any other popup warning flags. 31097/E - Modified how new popup windows are opened to improve popup blocking reliability in IE and Opera when the popup is on a different domain. 31098/F - Fixed interference with drag/drop in Opera when the "Prevent interference with mouse usage" option was enabled. 31105/F - Fixed misaligned "Clear" button on logs tab when window was resized. 31134/E - Improved status and title management code in the helper to improve performance and reduce the chances of unwanted interference on pages with multiple frames or iframes. 31135/F - Fixed broken browser extensions under the latest Opera 10 betas. 31145/E - Improved popup blocking to work in cases where global event handlers have been installed in the parent window by an embedded frame or iframe. 31152/E - When the "Apply" button is pressed on the configuration window the focus will now be moved to the "Close" button, to help people who use Ad Muncher along with screen reading software. 31173/F - Fixed incorrect blocking of some popup windows when created with certain window names. 31175/F - Fixed error in the code responsible for checking if "" calls were referring to an existing window (instead of a new popup). 31177/E - Modified the popup and alert message blocking so that it won't block either when created from within an Ad Muncher "Add javascript" filter, so that messages can be displayed from filters if needed. 31179/E - Improved helper script insertion to work better on sites with invalid HTML. 31181/E - Added extra sanity checks throughout the helper to reduce the chance of javascript errors occurring when other scripts on the page modify Ad Muncher's variables. 31193/E - Implemented a workaround for a bug in Vista and Windows 7 which could cause the installation window to be minimized on start after the UAC prompt has been dismissed, or open behind other windows. 31199/E - If Ad Muncher is currently filtering connections when the installer is run it will no longer show a second confirmation dialog to check if the user really wants to close Ad Muncher. Instead a warning has been added to the first "Do you want to close Ad Muncher for installation?" message. This change avoids window focus issues on some Vista and Windows 7 systems, and also speeds up installation a little. 31208/E - Moved the log "Clear" button back to the bottom of the dialog, per user feedback. 31210/F - Fixed window centering code so it works correctly when the parent window of a dialog is minimized. Particularly affected the "Check for updates" option in the tray menu. 31213/F - Fixed incorrect insertion of the helper script into some XML files. 31217/F - Further improved treatment of XML content. 31221/F - Fixed possible javascript corruption when removing some references to external.AddFavorite(). 31225/E - Improved handling of global "onclick" handlers that open desirable popup windows based on non-standard attributes inside of anchor targets. 31229/F - Fixed incorrect popup blocking in some situations when the call referred to an existing window. 31233/F - Fixed unexpected loss of log entries under some conditions in the new logging system. 31235/E - Added the ability to disable the "Prevent interference with mouse usage" on certain URLs via our default filter list, so we can disable it on popular sites where it might cause interference and when the site doesn't actually block mouse usage. 31238/E - Added the ability to force blank replacement of some content from the default filter list, to further enhance our ability to deal with rich media adverts. 31243/F - Fixed possible IPC error message when installing Ad Muncher with certain antivirus programs running. 31243/F - Fixed potential page damage when removing references to "document.referrer". 31248/E - Improved "javascript:" url trapping to avoid potential javascript error messages in some situations. 31255/F - Fixed possible corruption of the "this" context when trapping timer code from the helper script. 31256/F - Fixed possible crash in filtering code. 31262/F - Fixed possible crash in text replacing code. ==================================================
Год: 2009 Система: Windows®XP|Vista|Se7en Язык интерфейса: Английский Обновлено: 24 сентября 2009г. Лекарство: В архиве Размер: 2.25 мб
Скачать: Ad Muncher v4.73 Build 31256 Beta + Portable Ad Muncher v4.73/31256 Beta